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Nina Clara Schild

As a body therapist I help you to improve posture and body perception, to relieve pain, to simply feel good and alive. I support the process of reorientation with deep and sensitive manual bodywork. Exploring your movement habits together is essential for establishing new and more meaningful habits in everyday life. My own journey: many years of experience with dance, yoga, Feldenkrais and GYROTONIC® I integrate into my work.

Rolfing is a collaboration between you and me. I enjoy working with people who are keen to learn and develop. To see how the radiance of my clients changes, how joy of life and lightness surface, always impresses me anew.

Please contact me if you would like to talk to me about Rolfing.



  • MSc Biologie, Universität Basel (2002)

  • Certified Rolfer™ (2010)

  • Gyrotonic Trainer (2015)

  • Certified Advanced Rolfer™ (2018)



  • Functional rehabilitation of gesture, Hubert Godard (2010-14)

  • The female pelvis, Pilar Martin

  • Rolfing, Trauma and Orientation, Lael Keen

  • Structural Integration for the Cranium, Sharon Wheeler

  • Gyrotonic: Skoliose, Paul Horvath

  • Viszerale Manipulation - Organe des Oberbauchraums, Thomas Sonnleitner, Osteopath BAO

  • Gyrotonic: Explorations into the Extremes, Abel Horvath


Nina C. Schild 

Certified Advanced Rolfer®

Gyrotonic Trainer

Praxisgemeinschaft Leonhardsgraben 
Leonhardsgraben 63 
4051 Basel
+41 (0)78 724 78 52

Danke für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme

GYROTONIC® and GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.


© 2020 Nina Schild

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